A magnesia speckle matte at cone 6 oxidation is impossible, right? Wrong!

Saturday 18th April 2015

I am getting closer to insight-live.com/glossary/186">reduction speckle in oxidation. I make my own speckle by mixing the body and a glossy glaze 50:50 and adding 10% black stain. Then I slurry it, dry it, fire it in a crucible I make from alumina, crush it by hand and screen it. I am using G2934 cone 6 magnesia matte as the glaze on this mug on the left. To it I added 0.5% minus 20 mesh speck. Right is a cone 10R dolomite matte mug. Next I am going to screen out the smallest specks, switch to a matte glaze when making the specks (they are too shiny here), switch to dark brown stain. Later we will see if the specks need to bleed a little more. I am now pretty well certain I am going to be able to duplicate very well the reduction look in my oxidation kiln. I will publish the exactly recipe and technique as soon as I have it.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

Making your own crucibles to make your own speckle, Reduction speckle: a product of iron particles in the body, Reduction Speckle, Dolomite Matte

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