Account Prices

After creating an account and logging in you can recharge it by clicking (on the upper left).

Individual Account Pricing
182 days: $14.56 US
365 days: $21.90 US
720 days: $36.00 US

Terms: Immediate payment via PayPal.

Refunds: Subscription periods are final, no refunds.

Group Account Pricing
182 days: $99 US
365 days: $178.85 US
730 days: $321.20 US

Terms: You supply a purchase order to create an invoice. We expect payment in 30 days.

Features subject to in-app pricing: GHS Data Sheet generation

Currency: USD.

What people are saying about Insight-Live

• So many times each day… I am pointing myself to your work and website. Thank you for an amazing resource.

• Am learning to use Insight, love the articles in the reference database. Thank you for everything you have done and are doing.

• I just want to say THANK YOU for this incredible database of information. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

• Your site is amazing and your videos too. Such an inspiration.

• First off, I want to thank you for building Digitalfire. It is an incredibly valuable ceramic resource.

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