Account Prices

After creating an account and logging in you can recharge it by clicking (on the upper left).

Individual Account Pricing
182 days: $14.56 US
365 days: $21.90 US
720 days: $36.00 US

Terms: Immediate payment via PayPal.

Refunds: Subscription periods are final, no refunds.

Group Account Pricing
182 days: $99 US
365 days: $178.85 US
730 days: $321.20 US

Terms: You supply a purchase order to create an invoice. We expect payment in 30 days.

Features subject to in-app pricing: GHS Data Sheet generation

Currency: USD.

What people are saying about Insight-Live

• I just wanted to express my appreciation for digital fire. It's an invaluable resource that I've been using since I was 18 years old (more than a decade). Keep up the amazing work.

• WOW, WOW, WHAT GREAT INFO! thankyou! I am going to pass your site on to someone i know who is more keen on the science of glazes, than the potting, unlike me... she will love your test works and pics Wow! Thanks again.

• Thanks for the great application. I have removed GB from many of my recipes and I love learning so much about my glazes instead of just "going wonder how that glaze works". Your resource is invaluable. I will be a lifetime member.

• Many thanks for your time and trouble, re the information cone 6. You are a wealth of generosity and help to the home Potter.

• After more than 50 years making pots, selling and teaching I’m done. Worn to a frazzle. I’ve returned to my first love, painting. Just wanted to let you know that over the years I’ve relied on you for information on materials and glazes. I’ve never been disappointed, and I owe you a big thanks. I’m only sad that I was not able to meet you in person. Peace, love and happiness.

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