A white engobe on dark and buff burning cone 6 stonewares

Friday 23rd June 2017

Left is Plainsman M340. Right is M390. Each mug has been white-insight-live.com/glossary/35">engobed inside (by pouring), using L3954B, and halfway down the outside (by dipping). The insides have been glazed using G2926B clear. The inside surface has more depth and a richer appearance than could be achieved using a white glaze (especially over the dark burning body). The outside of the left one is Alberta Slip base GA6-B. The outside glaze on the right is the clear plus 4% iron oxide. This technique of using the engobe enables porcelain-like functional surfaces on the insides and the visual contrasts and character on the outsides of the stoneware mugs.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

GA6-A - Alberta Slip Cone 6 transparent honey glaze, L3954B - Cone 6 Engobe (for M340), GA6A Alberta Slip base using Frit 3249 and 3195 on buff body, Four drops of Davan deflocculant fixed the problem!, Rich, natural but vibrant colors. How was this cone 6 mug made?, Engobe

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