Partially and fully opacified cone 6 G1214Z1 matte glaze

Tuesday 30th April 2019

This is a calcium matte base (as opposed to the">magnesia matte G2934). The clay is Plainsman M390. 5% Zircopax was added on the left (normally 10% or more is needed to get full opacity, the partially opaque effect highlight contours well). 5% tin oxide was added to the one on the right (tin is a more effective, albeit expensive opacifier in oxidation). The PLC6DS firing schedule was used.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

Zircopax, Tin Oxide, G1214Z1 - Cone 6 Silky Matte, G2934 - Matte Glaze Base for Cone 6, Plainsman M390, Matte Glaze

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