Solving a difficult engobe flaking problem

Friday 11th July 2014

This demonstrates the difficulty you can encounter when trying to get an">engobe working with a clay body. Here the slip/glaze is flaking off the rim of pieces at cone 04 (does not happen at 06). The front bi-clay bar demonstrates the white and red clays dry well together (the slight curve happened on the drying). They also fire well together (the curvature did not change on firing). The back two thin bars seem to demonstrate thermal expansion compatibility: a thick layer of glaze is not under enough compression to curve either bar during firing. While the white clay contains 15% frit and forms a good bond with the red body, that bond is not nearly as good as the one between the glaze and the white slip. Yet it is still flaking off the rim at the slip/body interface. Why? At first it seemed that failure was happening at quartz inversion (because the body had less quartz than the white slip). However now it appears that the combination of compressions of the slip and glaze are sufficient to break the slip-body bond on concave contours. The compression of the slip and glaze likely did not demonstrate well on the bars because at this low a temperature they are not vitreous enough to be easily curled.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

EBCT Engobe Body Compatibility Test, Creating a Non-Glaze Ceramic Slip or Engobe, How to test if an engobe fits a clay body, Bi-Clay strips test compatibility between engobe and body, Body glaze Interface

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