An example where adding silica really helps a glaze

Thursday 20th February 2014

The flow on the left is an adjusted Perkins">Frit Clear (we substituted frit for Gerstley Borate). It is a cone 6 transparent that appeared to work well. However it did not survive a 300F oven-to-icewater IWCT test without crazing on Plainsman M370. The amount of flow (which increases a little in the frit version) indicates that it is plenty fluid enough to accept some silica. So we added 10% (that is the flow on the right). Now it survives the thermal shock test and still fires absolutely crystal clear.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

MgO, SiO2, G2926B - Cone 6 Whiteware/Porcelain transparent glaze, Remove Gerstley Borate and Improve a Popular Cone 6 Clear Glaze

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