Ravenscrag Slip based dolomite matte

Monday 14th April 2014

GR10-J insight-live.com/material/1178">Ravenscrag dolomite matte base glaze at cone 10R on Plainsman H443 iron speckled clay (actually, the MgO is being sourced from talc instead of dolomite). This recipe was created by starting with the popular G2571 base recipe (googleable) and calculating a mix of materials having the maximum possible Ravenscrag Slip percentage. The resultant glaze has the same excellent surface properties (resistance to staining and cutlery marking) but has even better application and working properties. It is a little more tan in color because of the iron content of Ravenscrag Slip (see ravenscrag.com).

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

Dolomite, Ravenscrag Slip, GR10-J - Ravenscrag Cone 10R Dolomite Matte, Duplicating the G2571A dolomite matte using a Ravenscrag Slip based recipe, Matte Glaze, Dolomite Matte

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