The strange vitrification profile of a talc body

Thursday 13th June 2013

This body is made from approximately 50:35:15">ball clay:talc:silica:silica sand. These test bars are fired from cone 2 to 9 oxidation (bottom to top) and 10 Reduction and from them the porosity and fired shrinkage can be measured (shown for each bar). Notice that the fired shrinkage is pretty stable from cone 2 to 8, but accelerates at cone 9 oxidation. But in reduction this stage has not been reached yet. The same thing happens with porosity, the cone 9 bar is dramatically more dense than the cone 8 one. But in reduction, it is still porous.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

Talc, Reduction Firing, Vitrification, Artware

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