Specific gravity using a scale and measuring cup

Wednesday 25th March 2015

The insight-live.com/glossary/86">specific gravity of a glaze slurry is simply its weight compared to water. Different glazes optimize to different specific gravities, but 1.4 to 1.5 is typical (highly fritted glaze are higher). To measure, counter-weigh a plastic measuring cup on your scale and fill it with 500 grams of water and note how high the water fills it (hopefully to the 500cc mark!). Fill the container with your glaze to the same place. Divide its weight by the number of ccs (in this case, 500) and you have the specific gravity. The more you weigh the more accurate is the test.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

GLAZ Glaze Observations, Understanding the Deflocculation Process in Slip Casting, Measuring glaze slurry specific gravity, Specific gravity, Thixotropy, Deflocculation

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