Cone 03 stoneware. Red and white body and slips. Clear glaze.

Saturday 22nd November 2014

Cone 03 white">stoneware with red terra cotta ball-milled slip and transparent overglaze. They are L3685U engobe (Ferro frit 3110, #6 tile kaolin, Silica), near the final mix for a white low fire stoneware. The G1916J glaze is super clear. Why? Two reasons. These were fired in a schedule designed to burn off the gases from the bentonite in the body before the glaze fuses (it soaks the kiln for 2 hours at 1400F). Terra cotta clays generate alot of gases at cone 03 (producing glaze micro-bubbles), but here the terra cotta is only a thin slip over the much cleaner burning white body.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

L3685U - Cone 03 White Engobe Recipe, Transparent Glazes, How to Apply a White Slip to Terra Cotta Ware

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