What happens when ceramic glazes lack Al2O3?

Wednesday 13th April 2016

This happens. They are glossy, but lack thickness and body. They are also prone to insight-live.com/glossary/129">boron blue clouding (micro crystallization that occurs because low alumina melts crystallize much more readily on cooling). Another problem is lack of resistance to wear and to leaching (sufficient Al2O3 in the chemistry is essential to producing a strong and durable glass). This is a good example of the need to see a glaze not just as a recipe but as a chemical formula of oxides. The latter view enables us to compare it with other common recipes and the very low Al2O3 is immediately evident. Another problem: Low clay content (this has only 7.5% kaolin) creates a slurry that is difficult to use and quickly settles hard in the bucket.

Pages that reference this post in the Digitalfire Reference Library:

Al2O3, Boron Blue, Glaze Chemistry, Leaching

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