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Ceramics-targeted info management for ongoing testing & development of bodies, glazes, engobes, etc. More..

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To SignUp: Create a personal account first, then convert it to a group.


  • We participate as an administrative team member of your group to help with project(s) or QC management.

To SignUp: Create a group account first

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Personal Group Managed
Data not erased on lapse (unless you request)
Maintain recipes, units
Do chemistry
Maintain materials
Maintain photos
Maintain firing schedules
Maintain projects
Maintain testing records
Sharing OnLine
Number of users 1 20 20+
Our oversight and training

What People Say About Us

• I have not been potting for nearly 20 years. Your website is an oracle. Thank you.

• Your Digital Fire is so important in this community!

• I want to first tell you that your site is amazing. i love the approach, the attitude, and the incredible information. the fact taht you share so much of your information to the public is truly wonderful. I recenly fell in love with ceramics and set up a home studio.

• I should mention beforehand that you, as well as Insight, have become the “go to” reference for all technical aspects of my work and those of other potters I know. It has become an invaluable resource. Congratulations on your academic approach to everything ceramic.

• Your website and program have been a priceless resource for me on my journey to understanding glazes.

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