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Ceramics-targeted info management for ongoing testing & development of bodies, glazes, engobes, etc. More..

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  • We participate as an administrative team member of your group to help with project(s) or QC management.

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Personal Group Managed
Data not erased on lapse (unless you request)
Maintain recipes, units
Do chemistry
Maintain materials
Maintain photos
Maintain firing schedules
Maintain projects
Maintain testing records
Sharing OnLine
Number of users12020+
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What People Say About Us

• Extremely useful resource Digital Fire. By the way your writing style is truly unique and is easily understandable even though of technical nature.

• Muchas gracias por su trabajo, tan meticuloso y de tanta ayuda para comprender los procesos cerámicos.

• Love the email I got today about the clear glaze because I have an account! Thank you for all you do. These emails are a great idea.

• I would like to thank you, I have looked through books and books and books, and here you are with so much fantastic information about what to do with the free clay that we can find outside. Even just saying that the clay has to be dry when you put it in water, what an eye opener. I am so amazed how well this works.

• I appreciate all you do for the ceramic community. I follow and read all you put up, someday I pray for a better understanding of glazes and all that encompasses.

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