• This article on porcelain is terriffic. I've been slip casting my own porcelain formula for nearly 40 years, and wish I had read it way back when I was first starting out! You provide exceedingly useful information- especially pertaining to the difficulties of trying to maintain consistency in a world of materials that are changing rapidly or disappearing entirely!
• I am a Brazilian potter and, despite my difficulty with the English language, I have learned a lot from this site. I want to thank you very much for the immense help you give me in the "most difficult times".
• I love all the tips and insight live is a lot of fun as well as being an amazing tool. Thanks
• I just wanted to say, thank you! I’m relatively new to pottery, taking a mostly self-taught approach and I’m at the stage where glazing is in my mind. I don’t want to be (and can’t see myself ever) buying glazes from commercial suppliers. I want to learn my craft with glaze as much as I do with my clay preparation and pottery making. I’ve seen “the dragon” and been uninspired by so much of what I find online and to be honest, in many glaze books. It seems more popular to try and present a mass of glaze possibilities than to offer a learning experience beyond being told a glaze needs a melter, a refractory and a glass-maker. Enough to offer a very basic understanding, but nothing upon which to build the understanding that will allow some degree of mastery (or at least influence) of your glaze making.
I am so pleased to have found digitalfire.com. You’ve shown me exactly how to approach and understand glazing, giving me the foundation for approach I sought. I was thinking of base glazes and what you’ve shown me about working on from those is fantastic and exactly what I was looking for. To have a reliable base glaze to modify and develop to meet different needs; to understand how to shift a melting point or adjust the surface gloss; to come to know how the mechanisms in a glaze and understanding them gives me the route to creating glazes that realize my intentions - wow!
I can’t thank you enough. Rather than having to form a dumb reliance on a book of recipe cards and a bunch of website bookmarks (which I wasn’t wanting to go for) you’ve given me the foundation for a lifelong development and understanding of the glazes I will make, that will become “my” glazes. You have really opened my mind to the whole subject and it doesn’t seem to be a problem that I’m no scientist or chemist. You’ve shared your knowledge in a way that is completely approachable and remarkably easy to understand for someone without any kind of science/chemistry background.
• Thank you so much for visiting my site. It really means so much to me, being that the info and recipes on Digitalfire helped me SO much and greatly contributed to where I am today with my pottery. I am so grateful for all of the information you share!
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