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Ceramics-targeted info management for ongoing testing & development of bodies, glazes, engobes, etc. More..

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Personal Group Managed
Data not erased on lapse (unless you request)
Maintain recipes, units
Do chemistry
Maintain materials
Maintain photos
Maintain firing schedules
Maintain projects
Maintain testing records
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Number of users 1 20 20+
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What People Say About Us

• You are brilliant .. You have provided so much info that is great. I have been a full time potter for 44 years and am still learning. Thank you so much for your generosity in sending this very pertinent information to me. It certainly has me thinking I should sign on to Digital Fire. Thanks again.

• Your understanding and explanations of glazing process and chemistry are always fascinating. Like the help you give for us amateurs, but also I love the posts explaining how commercial facilities deal with cost and efficiency issues like getting production products rapidly glazed and fired without defects.

• After more than 50 years making pots, selling and teaching I’m done. Worn to a frazzle. I’ve returned to my first love, painting. Just wanted to let you know that over the years I’ve relied on you for information on materials and glazes. I’ve never been disappointed, and I owe you a big thanks. I’m only sad that I was not able to meet you in person. Peace, love and happiness.

• I am a potter of over ten years and am now in this year paying attention to my glazes and what goes in to them. It's been an awesome journey with plenty of "ah ha" moments and exponentially more "what the..." moments. Regardless of what I'm feeling, digital fire is so far the best resource I've encountered. I’ve been going about glazes all wrong, following recipes and stabbing in the dark hoping to find one that Works for me... well, it’s not working! I’m devoting my time to explore glaze chemistry even more than I have and to do this I am convinced I can not go forward efficiently without a test kiln. THANK YOU for these wonderful resources!

• And I don't know how to thank you enough for your help with your website. What a wonderful and complete tool you provide!

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