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My newly found slip-casting capabilities (because of CAD, 3D printing) make dark burning bodies very desirable for casting stoneware.
Project Name Black Cone 6 Casting Body Project Codenumber UnAssigned Notes This is a project to create a casting version of Plainsman Coffee Clay, a dark grey burning cone 6 stoneware. Black bodies do amazing things with glazes, that is the motivation. |
Cone 6 Black Clay Body - Type 1
Total:99.00 Notes Plainsman 3B clay is a porcelain smooth cone 6 vitreous porcelainous stoneware, MNP. It hosts black stain very well, requiring a lower percentage to achieve black. Pictures L4053B black porcelain mugs ![]() Glaze is GA6-C rutile blue. L4053B black porcelain mug bottoms ![]() L4053B fired bars ![]() Testdata SHAB - Shrinkage/Absorption
XML (to paste into Insight) <?xml version="1.0"?> <recipes version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> <recipe name="Cone 6 Black Clay Body - Type 1" id="144620" key="L1XHfBbC" date="2025-01-22" codenum="L4053B"> <recipelines> <recipeline material="3B Select 200 mesh" lookup="B Clay" amount="91.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Bentonite" amount="2.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Mason 6600 stain" amount="6.000" tolerance=""/> </recipelines> </recipe> </recipes> Born: 2018-07-06, Modified: 2025-01-22 22:23:30 |
Cone 6 Black Casting Body - Type 2
Total:110.00 Notes This recipe is built on a cone 10 25-porcelain base recipe. Previous tests indicated that umber would over flux even that to mature at below cone 6 (losing black color) so 5% Nepheline has been traded for kaolin. Pictures L4768A vs L4768D casting bottles ![]() The L4768D fire shrinks more than the L4768A. And is not quite as black. L4768D & E vs Coffee Clay fired bars ![]() L4768D is at 25 Porcelain type recipe with 10% raw umber to stain it black (over fired to cone 7) Testdata SHAB - Shrinkage/Absorption
XML (to paste into Insight) <?xml version="1.0"?> <recipes version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> <recipe name="Cone 6 Black Casting Body - Type 2" id="254182" key="TXrti22B" date="2025-01-22" codenum="L4768D"> <recipelines> <recipeline material="OptiKast Kaolin" amount="55.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Nepheline Syenite" amount="20.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Silica" amount="25.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Raw Umber J4650" amount="10.000" added="true"/> </recipelines> </recipe> </recipes> Born: 2024-03-01, Modified: 2025-01-22 21:31:48 |
Cone 6 Black Casting Body - Type 3.1
Total:105.00 Notes This recipe is built around C-Red clay (plus enough silica so glazes fit, enough Nepheline to get to stoneware maturity and the rest being kaolin). The C-Red adds enough iron that only 5% umber is able to stain the body very dark grey. Pictures L4768D & E vs Coffee Clay fired bars ![]() L4768D is at 25 Porcelain type recipe with 10% raw umber to stain it black (over fired to cone 7) L4768F Coffee Casting mug base at Cone 6 ![]() This version of the body was used to make a significant number of pieces (bottles, bowls, mugs, etc). L4768F Coffee Casting with GA6-B ![]() Even though the body does not fire jet black it really helps to darken this glaze (which normally fires a transparent honey color). Typecodes MAS-Master Ticket Testdata SHAB - Shrinkage/Absorption
XML (to paste into Insight) <?xml version="1.0"?> <recipes version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> <recipe name="Cone 6 Black Casting Body - Type 3.1" id="254200" key="1Ytab6eA" date="2025-01-22" typecodes="MAS" codenum="L4768E" picturebasename=""> <recipelines> <recipeline material="OptiKast Kaolin" amount="36.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Silica" amount="18.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Nepheline Syenite" amount="18.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="C-Red Clay" amount="28.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Raw Umber J4650" amount="5.000" added="true"/> </recipelines> </recipe> </recipes> Born: 2012-11-29, Modified: 2025-01-22 21:41:05 |
Cone 6 Black Casting Body - Type 3.3
Total:106.00 Notes IMCO is making Guage Red as a substitute (C-Red is no longer available). If Guage Red works as well it will make this body possible: Dark burning and plastic yet deflocculating well. Pictures Typecodes MAS-Master Ticket XML (to paste into Insight) <?xml version="1.0"?> <recipes version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> <recipe name="Cone 6 Black Casting Body - Type 3.3" id="256310" key="bJmtHXwk" date="2025-01-22" typecodes="MAS" codenum="L4768H" picturebasename=""> <recipelines> <recipeline material="OptiKast Kaolin" amount="38.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Silica" amount="20.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Nepheline Syenite" amount="12.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Guage-Red Clay" amount="30.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Raw Umber J4650" amount="6.000" added="true"/> </recipelines> </recipe> </recipes> Born: 2012-11-29, Modified: 2025-01-22 21:57:08 |
Barnard Slip
Notes Fired bars are very dark brown at cone 02 proceeding to black by cone 4. At cone 6 it is beginning to melt, indicating that the chemistry information here is not accurate, much higher fluxing oxide levels would be needed to create a material that melts at this low a temperature. Pictures REDART, Barnard, Alberta Slip decorated mugs ![]() Brushwork is under a clear glaze. L2626 Barnard Slip bars ![]() Testdata SHAB - Shrinkage/Absorption
LDW - LOI/Density/Water Content
XML (to paste into Insight) <?xml version="1.0"?> <recipes version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> <recipe name="Barnard Slip" id="69028" key="35YMonHD" date="2025-01-22" codenum="L2626" location="BD 822" picturebasename=""> <recipelines> <recipeline material="Barnard Slip" amount="100.000"/> </recipelines> </recipe> </recipes> Born: 1995-05-23, Modified: 2025-01-22 22:04:37 |
Cone 6 Black Engobe
Total:105.00 Notes This is the black version of L3954B White. Reduce the percentage of stain for less intense black. Pictures 10% 6666 stain in engobe under a clear glaze ![]() 10% 6600 stain bowl ![]() Lots of bubbles. But clay is very black. L3954B with Burnt Umber and Black Stain ![]() Both replace the 10% zircopax with a black pigment. They darken the engobe to near black. But the stain version (Mason 6600) on the right fires blacker and develops the color of this rutile glaze (Alberta Slip rutile blue) much better. It also produces a perfect glass surface whereas the Umber version on the left develops some pinholing in the inside glaze (GA6A Alberta Slip base). Black stain L3954F vs. Raw Umber black clay ![]() L3954F black egobe with 7.5% stain ![]() The center bar has 7.5% Mason 6600. L3954F black cone 6 engobe fired bars ![]() M340 mugs with L3954F black engobe, Ravenscrag blue ![]() URLs Testdata SHAB - Shrinkage/Absorption
XML (to paste into Insight) <?xml version="1.0"?> <recipes version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> <recipe name="Cone 6 Black Engobe" id="115180" key="4mSXTede" date="2023-05-28" codenum="L3954F"> <recipelines> <recipeline material="Nepheline Syenite" amount="18.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Silica" amount="15.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="M23 Ball Clay" amount="54.000" tolerance=""/> <recipeline material="Bentonite" amount="3.000" added="true"/> <recipeline material="Mason 6600 Stain" amount="15.000" added="true"/> </recipelines> </recipe> </recipes> Born: 2016-12-12, Modified: 2023-05-28 23:03:28 |